About 24 Hour Surgery
We are a walk-in urgent care clinic open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you arrive, you will be assessed through our triage system and seen in order of medical priority.
24 Hour Surgery is privately owned as part of Pegasus Health (Charitable) Ltd. You can find out more about our organisation on the Pegasus Health home page

For emergencies, always call 111 or go to Christchurch Hospital Emergency Department.
Always call 111 if you have an emergency, or go to the Christchurch Hospital Emergency Department.
If you have urgent medical concerns or need medical advice, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116.
Our Services

Urgent care
Our doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses are trained in general practice and urgent care. They are supported by health care assistants and other members of our team. When you urgently need to see your usual general practitioner but can’t get an appointment, you can visit us. We are an ACC accredited urgent care provider and can take care of you if you injure yourself. Our specialised staff are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue injuries and fractures including cuts, sprains, and broken bones. If your injury requires hospital care, we will arrange for you to go there.

Observation unit
If you need extra care and monitoring and don’t need to be in hospital, we have a 5 bed observation unit available at no extra cost to you. It is complete with patient showers and a family room. This unit is available if you are admitted by the 24 Hour Surgery team, or if you are referred to it by your GP.

Diagnostic tests
We provide diagnostic testing including blood tests to assist with patient treatment.

Health Improvement Practitioners and Health Coaches
We are fortunate to be the only urgent care facility who have Health Improvement Practitioners (HIP) and Health Coaches in our team, providing their services to our community.
HIPs will see you if you are presenting with anxiety or stress related conditions. They will connect you with a GP service if you're un-enrolled and they can help you problem solve or refer you to other services.
Health Coaches will help you with health conditions that impact your life, such as COPD, diabetes, or mobility issues. They will work with you on a plan to improve your health and wellbeing.

Fracture service
We have a specialised fracture service. If you have a broken bone, your general practitioner (GP) or someone from 24 Hour Surgery may refer you to the fracture clinic.
Some charges do apply for some of our fracture clinic services. We will be able to let you know if you will need to pay a fee and how much that will be. Our fracture team will communicate with your GP at every stage of your treatment plan to keep them well informed.

We work closely with a number of radiology services, however they are a different business and any payment for their services are made directly to them.
Pacific Radiology (Christchurch Radiology Group) operate a radiology and x-ray service onsite from 8.00am – 11.00pm, Monday to Friday and 9.00am – 11.00pm, Saturday and Sunday. For further information, visit the Pacific Radiology website, or contact them on 0800 869 729.
Reform Radiology are located on Antigua Street, Central City.
Reform Radiology (reformradiology.co.nz)
Beyond Radiology are based in Merivale on Papanui Road.
Beyond Radiology (beyondradiology.co.nz)

Acute Demand community nursing and coordination
Acute Demand service helps treat people in their own home and helps prevent hospital admission.
The Acute Demand community nursing team is part of this service and will work with you and your general practice team to ensure you receive the necessary care in the community. This care can be provided in your home through nurse visits or at the Acute Demand Clinic, located at the 24 Hour Surgery, where treatments such as intravenous antibiotics can be administered. Medication management, in consultation with the medical team, is also a key component of the acute demand programme.
Our coordination team will ring you with your appointment time and place, after organising any x-rays or other tests you might need. They can also arrange transport for you if this is something that you need.
The nurses can answer any questions you have about being cared for in the community.

ACLS Resuscitation training
A variety of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) resuscitation courses are occasionally offered at 24 Hour Surgery. This includes CORE Immediate and CORE Advanced certification.
ACLS Resuscitation training for health professionals
We provide New Zealand Resuscitation Council (NZRC) and Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) certified resuscitation training for all health professionals. Our instructors are doctors and nurses who are qualified NZRC instructors.
We offer the following courses:
- NZRC CORE Skills for General Practice
- NZRC CORE Skills for Urgent Care
- NZRC CORE Immediate
- NZRC CORE Advanced
More information about each of the courses we offer and the booking terms and conditions can be found here:
We offer flexible training options and can customise our ACLS courses to meet your training requirements.
For further enquiries about the ACLS courses we host, email us.
Online Course Registration Form
Use the online registration form (forms.office.com) to register your place on one of the ACLS resuscitation courses.
Frequently asked questions
You can call us anytime on 03 365 7777
Write to us
P.O Box 3065
New Zealand
If you are hearing impaired
You can contact the Deaf Emergency Call Centre on:
TTY: 0800 16 16 16
Voice: 111
Or in emergency, text 111 if you have registered with 111TXT
NZ Relay Service (nzrelay.co.nz)
For information about making emergency calls via RELAY please see the NZ Relay Service FAQs
We have a team of around 160 people, including doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, healthcare assistants, health improvement practitioners, health coaches, and administrative staff. We are also supported by over 270 GPs in Ōtautahi Christchurch who work with us on a rostered basis.
Our doctors are experienced in acute care. They may have specific urgent care or general practice training, or emergency medicine experience. Our nursing team are experienced in emergency care, many with specialised skills in child health, care of fractures, wounds, and acute medical care. We also have visiting specialists who provide post-acute follow-up clinics for a range of conditions.
If you are eligible to work in New Zealand and hold a current work visa, you can view our current job opportunities in our Career Centre. Roles we advertise include medical officers, nursing staff, healthcare assistants, receptionists, and administration staff.
To express your interest in working at the 24 Hour Surgery regarding:
- Medical Officers roles, please email our clinical director
- Nursing roles, please email our clinical nurse leader
You can spot our non-clinical staff wearing grey or green scrubs, or dressed in a grey patterned blouse. Our non-clinical team members are not trained to provide medical care. They won’t be able to see you for a consultation or give you advice on your condition, but they may assist you in other ways, like making sure you are comfortable.
24 Hour Surgery supports general practice.
We are an urgent care provider who work on behalf of your general practice, to help you when they are unavailable. We operate on a walk-in basis where you will be triaged based on medical need. If you’re visiting Ōtautahi Christchurch or not enrolled with a general practice, you can still access our services. We can assist you to find a general practice to enrol with if you request.
You can use the Wi-Fi in our waiting room when you visit us. The Wi-Fi posters throughout the waiting room have the login information. View our Wi-Fi disclaimer.
Yes - we host a variety of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) resuscitation courses throughout the year. For further enquiries about the ACLS courses we host, please email us.
Visiting 24 Hour Surgery
To get directions to 24 Hour Surgery, view consult fees, or find out about wait times and other questions, visit the 24 Hour Surgery homepage.

Our teams
24 Hour Surgery works with general practices who choose the 24 Hour Surgery to support their provision of afterhours cares. Their GPs and nurse practitioners work with us on a rostered basis alongside our team. Their continued support means we can provide our services to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Healthcare assistant
- Wear grey scrubs.
- Supports nursing team with observations, takes blood pressure and temperature.
- May help patients move to treatment areas.
- Helps support patients to take tests eg. urine analysis.

Acute demand
- Wear charcoal scrubs.

Doctor and nurse practitioner
- Wear royal blue scrubs.
- Assesses your symptoms, requesting investigations as needed.
- Once they have a likely diagnosis will suggest treatment options.
- Can refer to the hospital and specialists services as needed.

Health improvement practitioner (HIP) and health coach
- Wear purple scrubs.
- Patients are referred to them by 24 Hour Surgery and Acute Demand staff.
- HIPs support people to link to the correct social, health, GP services.
- Health coaches build people's motivation and capability to better understand and self-manage their physical and emotional wellbeing needs.
- Refers patient to usual practice if their practice has a HIP or health coach.
- Qualified in social work or health coaching and some are nurses.

Registered nurse
- Wear dark blue scrubs.
- Assess patients on arrival and throughout their time in the clinic.
- Help undertake investigations like blood tests and ECGs.
- Help provide treatments.
- Can complete a patient's care independently, if it is within their scope of practice.

Facility assistant
- Wear green scrubs.
- Makes sure treatment rooms have the right equipment and stock.
- Keeps the clinic functioning efficiently.
- They are non-clinical so won’t answer medical questions.
- Can assist you to get comfortable, bring you coffee or kid’s activities.
- Run the tea and coffee trolley.

Work with us
Join a supportive team environment that provides a great work life balance.

Want to provide feedback?
The 24 Hour Surgery team welcomes your feedback. If you have any concerns or compliments about your care or experience at our surgery, we would like to hear from you.