• 24 Hour Surgery Information

    In a medical emergency, call 111

    Call 24 Hour Surgery

    Call: 03 365 7777

    How to get there
    We are located at 401 Madras Street, Christchurch Central.

    You can enter our carpark from Madras Street; turn left just before the lights on Bealey Avenue. We have a drop off area at the front entrance for patients who may require this.

    Public Transport
    You can plan your bus trip from the Journey Planner on the Metro website.

    We have wheelchair parking and an accessibility ramp. Wheelchairs are available if you need them. We also have an interpreter service available.

  • Unsure where to go?

    In a medical emergency, call 111
    • Want 24/7 health advice?

      Call your GP or Healthline to talk to a health professional 24/7 and they will point you in the right direction.

    • Need a GP appointment

      Call your GP, find a GP or visit Practice Plus for a virtual appointment

    • Should I visit the 24 Hour Surgery?

      Call your GP or Healthline to talk to a health professional 24/7 and they will point you in the right direction.

Your wellbeing

Pegasus promotes and supports health and wellbeing to the community, and it's a priority for our people too. Our Wellbeing initiatives align with the Te Whare Tapa Whā model to consider the different aspects of our wellbeing.

Illustration of Pegasus Health IT support at computer wearing a headset

Wellbeing Initiatives

Our people have access to information, support and healthy choices to improve their overall wellbeing. Our Promoting Health Initiatives Working Group identifies and supports health promotion events throughout the year for the Pegasus Health team, and also our clients (general practices teams).

Pegasus provides:

  • An annual wellness subsidy to contribute towards your wellbeing.
  • Annual flu vaccination.
  • An annual wellness check with your general practitioner.
  • Free after hours care at the Pegasus Health 24 Hour Surgery when your general practice is not available.
  • Occupational counselling programme that provides confidential assistance and support to our people who are seeking help with personal work problems.
  • If you love your daily cycle commute (or just every now and then), we have end of trip facilities, a locked bike park, and showers and lockers at Pegasus House.


Connection is one of our values. Our people told us that building connections through shared interests and social events is important and essential. You can connect with others by joining our Pegasus communities, Pets of Pegasus, Plant Lovers, and Book lovers or start one of your own.

The Social Committee organises regular social activities such as quiz night; BBQ’s; and movie nights, and also supports community wellbeing initiatives such as Movember.

Environmental sustainability

Pegasus is committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. We are on a crucial journey to understand and address climate change within our area of influence and primary care. There are many opportunities amongst the many challenges.

He waka eke noa. We are all in this together.

Te Ohu Tautaiao is our environmental network made up of people from teams across our organisation. Te Ohu Tautaiao meets every second month and currently has two sub-groups focusing on waste minimisation and active transport.

We are proud to be an organisational member of OraTaiao the New Zealand Climate and Health Council. In 2022, we signed the OraTaiao 'Climate and Health' call for action.