Contact Us
Pegasus Health
Phone Pegasus Health main office during business hours, 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday on 03 379 1739.
You can find directions to 24 Hour Surgery or the Pegasus Health main office above, in our helpful maps. You'll also find contact details for both below.
If you want to give feedback about your experience visiting 24 Hour Surgery, visit the 24 Hour Surgery feedback page.
Feedback forms for other Pegasus Health services are below.
Please note that Pegasus Health member practices are independent. If you have a complaint about your general practice we encourage you to try and contact your practice directly to try and resolve your concerns, in the first instance.
24 Hour Surgery
Call: 03 365 7777Pegasus Health
Call: 03 379 1739Whakapā mai | Contact details
Call us:
24 Hour Surgery 03 365 7777
Pegasus Health 03 379 1739
Our location:
401 Madras Street
Christchurch 8013
New Zealand
P.O. Box 741
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand
For media queries:
For enquiries about 24 Hour Surgery:
Provide feedback to 24 Hour Surgery
The 24 Hour Surgery team welcomes and values your feedback, suggestions or complaints on the care you experienced at the surgery and would like to hear from you. All feedback helps us to improve our services. You can provide comments on your experience through our feedback page or you can email
Making a complaint
When we engage with you, we will work with you, respecting your individual and cultural requirements.

If you would like to make a complaint about a Pegasus Health general practice

If you would like to make a complaint about a mental health therapist you accessed through Pegasus
To give feedback to 24 Hour Surgery, please visit their feedback page.
Contact Us
- In an emergency, call 111.
- For non-urgent medical situations or questions, call your GP or HealthLine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 0800 611 116.
We monitor messages during business hours, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
When we engage with you, we will work with you, respecting your individual and cultural requirements.