Te Tiriti o Waitangi
"Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi - With your food basket and my food basket, the people will live."
This whakataukī (proverb/saying) refers to cooperation and the combination of resources to get ahead. Another way of putting it is, through your contribution and my contribution, the people will flourish.
Improving Māori health is a government commitment and a key priority for Pegasus Health. This proverb is appropriate in that if we are to improve health outcomes for Māori, it will be through our combined efforts.
Pegasus aims to be an organisation that has equity in its veins and rangatiratanga at the heart of all we do. Our approach to improving health outcomes for Māori is affirmed by Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Manatū Hauora derives five principles from Te Tiriti o Waitangi to help guide us:
- Tino rangatiratanga: Providing for Māori mana motuhake (self-determination) in the design, delivery and monitoring of health and disability services.
- Equity: Being committed to achieving health outcomes for Māori.
- Active protection: Acting to the fullest extent practicable to achieving health outcomes for Māori.
- Partnership: Working in partnership with Māori in the governance, design, delivery and monitoring of health and disability services.
- Options: Providing for and properly resourcing kaupapa Māori health and disability services. Ensuring that all health and disability services are provided in a culturally appropriate way that recognises and supports the expression of Hauora Māori models of care.
General practice can contribute in a positive way through the delivery of high-quality health care.