• 24 Hour Surgery Information

    In a medical emergency, call 111

    Call 24 Hour Surgery

    Call: 03 365 7777

    How to get there
    We are located at 401 Madras Street, Christchurch Central.

    You can enter our carpark from Madras Street; turn left just before the lights on Bealey Avenue. We have a drop off area at the front entrance for patients who may require this.

    Public Transport
    You can plan your bus trip from the Journey Planner on the Metro website.

    We have wheelchair parking and an accessibility ramp. Wheelchairs are available if you need them. We also have an interpreter service available.

  • Unsure where to go?

    In a medical emergency, call 111
    • Want 24/7 health advice?

      Call your GP or Healthline to talk to a health professional 24/7 and they will point you in the right direction.

    • Need a GP appointment

      Call your GP, find a GP or visit Practice Plus for a virtual appointment

    • Should I visit the 24 Hour Surgery?

      Call your GP or Healthline to talk to a health professional 24/7 and they will point you in the right direction.

Health Provider Information

Information for health professionals about Pegasus Health programmes and funding streams can be found on Wā Kāinga. This includes information on long-term conditions, child and youth health, women's health, lifestyle, preventative support, general services, first level services, and population health.

Log in to Wā Kāinga

*Wā Kainga is a secure portal and access is restricted. If you do not have a login but believe you should have access, please contact Pegasus Health Service Desk on 03 353 9990.

View services for your patients
Illustration of Pegasus Health doctor talking to patient across desk
Illustration of doctor sitting while writing on a pad. Their hair is tied in a bun with stethoscope around neck.


Illustration of two Pegasus Health nurses, a woman with white hair holding a document and a man with hands in scrub pockets

Introduction to practice nursing

Illustration of blind woman with cane and guide dog

Disability and accessibility

Illustration of Pegasus Health IT support at computer wearing a headset

Pegasus IT support

Illustration of Māori pāpā sitting in armchair hugging tamariki child

Māori health

Illustration of Pacific couple

Pacific peoples' health

Illustration of group of different hands holding an earth icon.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) health

Illustration of two parents and a young child in father's arms. Mother wears a hijab. Purple sun icon.

Refugee Health Service

Illustration of health professionals shaking hands

Here Toitū service

Illustration of man running with rugby ball

Concussion Management for GPs

Illustration of Pegasus Health doctor talking to patient across desk

General Practitioner Access to High Tech Imaging

Illustration of two Pegasus Health employees talking at a table with laptop and documents

HR Support Services

Illustration of  Pegasus Acute Community Care nurse carrying a briefcase. He has a stethoscope around neck and carries a file.

Shared Care Planning

Illustration of man coughing while holding chest, lung icon

Community Respiratory Service

Collage of illustrations: Person in wheelchair at table with a nurse, doctor treating baby, doctor with hands in pockets, person in wheelchair with a friend

Primary Care Taskforce