General Practice teams helping form taskforce direction

23 June 2023
The Primary Care Taskforce is seeking feedback from general practice teams to gather their views on what is contributing to the current pressures on primary care, and where they should focus their efforts to support practices in Canterbury Waitaha.
To gather feedback surveys tailored for general practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers were sent out to practices earlier this month.
Project Manager Linda Wensley stated "We’re thrilled to have received a great response to the survey already."
“We are keen to make sure a broad range of general practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers have their say and contribute their ideas to where the taskforce should focus their efforts. I encourage anyone that hasn’t yet completed it, to do so before the survey closes on Tuesday 27 June,” says Linda.
The Taskforce was formed earlier this year and includes leaders from across the health system and community. The purpose of the group is to lead local changes aimed at addressing capacity pressures in primary care, with an initial focus on general practice.
The Taskforce's work will complement national activity and align with the work of local organisations including Primary Health Organisations (PHOs), Canterbury Community Pharmacy Group, and Te Whatu Ora – Waitaha.
Read more about the Primary Care Taskforce on their webpage.
Please direct questions to Linda Wensley.