Respiratory illnesses
Information and resources on common respiratory illnesses can be found below. If you are looking for healthcare, visit the Your Best Care website for options available to you.
If you have a medical emergency, call 111 or go to Christchurch Emergency Department.
Coughs and Colds
You can find useful information on coughs, colds, sore throats, and other respiratory illnesses on the HealthInfo website ( Just search the A - Z services for your chosen topic.
Managing your health with COVID-19
Vaccinations - Influenza and COVID-19
Find out more about COVID-19 vaccines
Information on how to get COVID-19 vaccines along with strategies, safety and effectiveness, and fact sheets (
Learn more about vaccinations
Search the HealthInfo A - Z services for vaccinations to learn more about what vaccinations are and why they are needed (
Find more information about immunisations
Read more about immunisation services offered by your GP.

Find a GP
Visit our Health Directory to find a general practice near you.
What if I need help finding health care?
The Tautoko Hauora service can help you:
- Enrol at a Pegasus Health general practice.
- Get you to your doctor/hospital appointments, if transport is a problem for you.
- Visit Work and Income, if you find it difficult to pay for health care.
- Find other community services to support you.